“Renaissance in the Daisy Field” is Three Years Old

A sunny weather in Ankara… A small young woman trying to carry the bag full of books in front of the station sits on a bench-like S-shaped concrete elevation. She takes out a book from the bag, opens the first page, and takes a photo with the phone in her other hand. There is excitement in her face. An insect hangs around the book, it does not know that even years later it will be remembered like the first day. It’s Friday. The date is May 25, 2018.

Renaissance in the Daisy Field, which has been digital until that day, becomes concrete for the first time and meets with the pages. This is an indescribable happiness!

Here is the photo I took that day.

Today, I thought of writing this article until the evening, but I’m looking at the screen right now. What should I talk about, what format should I follow? Best, I say, to go like a timeline. I’m shuffling Dropbox files.

2015, spring.

The name and concept of Renaissance in the Daisy Field was the first time I thought of it. After writing 37 pages, I did not feel comfortable and deleted it.

In this first version, some key characters had different names. For example, Eagle‘s name was Io (I didn’t know Io was a feminine name at the time), Jasmine‘s name was Epsilon.

Although Crescent’s name was the same, her appearance was quite different from what it is now. Her hair was dark blue, her face was gray and pale. She was poisoned to death and wakes up in a very aggressive mood. Events in the modern period were also quite different. For example, Melih and his family were completely absent in the first version. Instead, there was a sister and a brother living with their grandparents. The most important difference was this: I wrote a male and a hybrid twin to Crescent. (I don’t remember his name, maybe I never named it.) I was planning to go through a sealed bond between twins living today and twins living in the past.

The first cover of the book. You learned why she has blue hair.

In this first version, I based the immortality on the island on mystical and magical reasons, not biological. It was not in 37 pages of course, but I was dreaming of bloody scenes where their heads were cut off and then reunited. 😃 Fortunately, I did not continue with this version and completely changed the fiction of the book. But I wish I’d saved it somewhere and post it now, it would be fun.

I left fallow for months. This fiction, which I had erased and left no trace behind, did not even come to mind. Then in a fall, on a Wednesday, September 2, 2015, I started to run my fingers over the keyboard like freight trains traveling on the rails. The first episode came so fast that I was surprised too.

2015, September 2nd.

The first two paragraphs, written on September 2, 2015, at six in the morning.

My post on Wattpad was two days later, Friday, September 4, 2015. In the first days, Wattpad received great love and support from its readers. Each of them had a finger in the pie, their support in this book. So glad I have them. So glad I have you.

First comment on the book.

2016, early times.

I started to make videos to promote the book. I explained this phase in detail in the article titled How Did I Meet Wattpad?. During this period, I discovered great music and bad movies. In addition, it was these videos that best introduced Renaissance in the Daisy Field.

This screenshot is from January 3, 2016.
This screenshot is from January 9, 2016. 700 clicks increase in six days. It’s a dream for today.

I remember posting the last chapters one after the other. I succumbed to my impatience. My original plan was to finish on June 1, the character Crescent’s birthday. The final chapter of the book was posted on Wattpad on May 18, 2016.

The comments were so good that I still read them occasionally. Almost all readers have encouraged me to publish the book. I thought to share here, but if I shared one, it would be unfair to the others. Maybe I jealously want to keep them to myself, like a treasure. I remember that the sincere love of the readers will always shine between the lines of the book.

2016, May.

Nevertheless, I will share one of the comments, representing them all. I chose those without spoilers.


2017, 2018.

Renaissance in the Daisy Field was entering the process of publishing. I explained the rest here.

I am excited about the birth process and the infancy of this sparkling three-year-old child. The timeline is over, but I don’t want to end the text like this right away.

What should I do… What should I do… I found!

Daisy Flavor Songs

While I am writing the book and listening to it after a long time, I leave here the music that reminds of the universe of the daisy field.

I have listened to it hundreds of times. Hillyin’s palaces took shape in my mind with this music.
It rests the mind. Negative feelings take away as river water cleans the dirt.
A metal song that will bring the atmosphere of ancient times to your room.
This song has become synonymous with the woman in my mind under the rain.
If one day it will be adapted into a movie or a TV series, this should be the soundtrack.
It gives wings.

If one day it will be adapted into a movie or a TV series…

Let me be frank, if anyone in the movie industry is reading this, I’m open to offers. I even sent an e-mail to production companies. 😂 I shot so many TV series and movies in my dreams that if there was technology to convert images into digital files, I would make an ambitious entry into the industry.

One of my spare time activities is to search the internet and look for the answer to the question “Which actor would play that character?” So I created an imaginary cast. Cast often changes, but the most recent version is as follows:

  • Metin AkdülgerJohn Joseph Daisy
  • Onur TunaEagle Hill
  • Ahsen EroğluJasmine Llyin
  • Merve BoluğurCranette Hill
  • Serra Demir – Crescent Hill (Actually, Serra is not an actress, she is a painter. She has some pretty good work. You can view it here. )

Let’s look at the clock. 23.23. Ooo… Let me finish the article before the day ends. I ran!


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