❝Those who fell into the black hole had difficult days in nature. They had to contend with wild animals and harsh climatic conditions. When they fell back into the space, they found themselves on the same planet again. With only one difference: In another era. Hayat and İskender are starting to understand more or less the reasons behind this trip. They know how to meet their needs and protect themselves from danger. They know both each other and themselves better. Their goals are more specific. Their hope is greater to survive. They will march because the flood is soon. The …
Month: September 2021
“Acı Matriyarka”: what it means?
I have been using this nickname online since November 2017: “Acı Matriyarka” So what it means? Why did I choose this nickname? acı: bitter or pain or painful matriyarka: matriarchy You have often read the word “patriarchy” in feminist articles. Patriarchy means male domination. It is the social system in which men have primary power and dominate in their roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege, and control of property. Matriarchy is just the opposite. In other words, female domination. In the Cambridge Dictionary, it is defined as “a type of society in which women have most of the …