Gizem Çetin, this is my full name, I’m an electrical electronics engineer and an author. I live in Turkey.
I was born in Uşak in 1997. Uşak is a small city in the Aegean Region.
In 2008, we moved to Konya, our hometown with the whole family. Konya is a large city in the Central Anatolia Region and is neighbor of Ankara the capital.
I graduated from Meram Anatolian High School in 2013. In the same year, I was writing a science fiction novel called İsyancı (The Rebel), which would be my first completed work: later I published it on the internet under the name Üç Kentin İsyancısı (Rebel of Three Cities).
In 2014, I created an account on Wattpad and started to convey what I wrote to the readers.
In 2015, I started to write Papatya Tarlasında Rönesans (Renaissance in the Daisy Field). After three years, it was published by Başlangıç Publishing House.
In 2017, I started writing the Yedi Mum (Seven Candles), a science fiction series with seven books. It was completed in three years, in 2020. In the same year, I graduated from TOBB ETÜ, Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
In March 2021, Yedinci Mum (The Seventh Candle), the first book of the Seven Candles Series, was published by Nar Ağacı Publishing House. In September 2021, Altıncı Mum (The Sixth Candle), the second book of the Seven Candles Series, was published by Nar Ağacı Publishing House.
In March 2023, Beşinci Mum (The Fifth Candle) came out. I focus on my YouTube channel and upload regular videos this year. In June, I graduated from Anadolu University, Management Information Systems.
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