THE MIST – Horror Story

❝In the middle of an old bathroom where the bulb emittet a dirty yellow light, a woman was standing naked, the tiles were broken, and the bathroom was warming up by a bath stove. Her wet hair hung like a cat’s tail between the shoulder blades, water drops shining like fireflies on her skin. She left the towel in her room. In this place, where the unknown clicks are heard and where the unknown shadows pass, she turned to the mirror with a trembling fear in her heart.❞ This is the horror story I wrote for the competition organized by …

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To this land there came such an evil age; the gentlemen laid their eyes on the women with rage. Sons, husbands and fathers, became enemies to their mothers; enemies to their wives, and daughters. Five centuries after the Arabs who buried their newborn daughters and adored Al-Lat, a man called Yūsuf Balasaguni rioted against the God who created the evil sex. “It would be better if these girls were not born and if they were born, better it is they would not live.” [1] He said; “Under the ground must be her place, her home should be a neighbor to …

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